Faculty People Service

Surprise party for world-renowned anatomist Dr. Howie Evans’ 90th Happy 90th Birthday to Dr. Howie Evans, anatomist extraordinaire and beloved professor of countless Cornell veterinarians! Dr. Evans continues coming to work even today, updating his seminal text on dog anatomy and collecting goodies for volunteer visits to local schoolchildren. He continually inspires people of all ages with show-and-tell wonders from across the animal […]

Cancer Faculty Medicine Microbiology Press Releases Research

Surprise packages sent by cancer cells can turn normal cells cancerous

Surprise packages sent by cancer cells can turn normal cells cancerous, but Cornell scientists have found a way to keep their cargo from ever leaving port. Published in Oncogene in January 2012, their study demonstrates the parcels’ cancer-causing powers, describes how they are made, and reveals a way to jam production. Treatments that follow suit […]

Diagnostics Faculty Horses Humans Microbiology Public Health Research Zweig News Capsule

Ticks untold

Prime suspects in mystery fevers may hold new tick-borne diseases Suddenly your horse is sick and you don’t know why. She breathes normally but her temperature is rising, her eyes grow yellow with jaundice, she seems depressed, and barely eats. The fever is clear but the cause is not; even the most experienced experts can […]

Awards Faculty Immunology People Research

Dr. Cynthia Leifer honored with 2012 Pfizer Animal Health Award

Dr. Cynthia Leifer, assistant professor of immunology at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, has been selected to receive the Pfizer Animal Health Award for Veterinary Research Excellence. The award fosters innovative research by recognizing outstanding research and productivity from a faculty member early in his or her career. Nominees are selected for innovative research […]

'Scopes Magazine Faculty People Students Teaching

Classroom innovation prepares students for clinics and professional life

Whatever their background, most new veterinary students share one desire: to work with animals as soon as possible. Continuous modifications and improvements to the curriculum—in response to input from faculty, students, alumni, and employers— have resulted in a history of  classroom adaptations in Cornell’s veterinary curriculum that continually bring students closer to the action sooner. […]

'Scopes Magazine Animals Faculty Horses Medicine Research Technology

Reining in Roaring

Earlier detection and new treatments for horse racing’s number-one performance problem It’s a big day at the track. Years of training and thousands of dollars are at stake. The gates open and your horse lunges forward. But his breath comes in gasps. It looks as if he’s wearing a heavy mask that is blocking his […]

CUHA Beat Faculty Medicine People Profiles Service

Taking a bite out of dental disease

A conversation with Dr. Santiago Peralta, veterinary dentist, oral surgeon, and new Lecturer in the Department of Clinical Sciences’ Section of Dentistry. What path led you to your new position? I grew up and studied in Colombia, South America, and graduated with a veterinary degree from La Salle University in 1999. In Botoga I worked […]

'Scopes Magazine Faculty Microbiology People Profiles Published Research Uncategorized

Molecular messenging

From molecular blueprints to bacterial cities, Holger Sondermann explores biological architecture What do sink scum, dental plaque, and streambed slime have in common? They are all biofilms, billions of bacteria banded together into a resilient community. Beyond clogging your drain, these colonies can turn equipment such as catheters, implants, and heart valves into biomedical hazards. When […]

Faculty Horses Immunology Research Zweig News Capsule

Pregnancy paper picked by bio elite

A paper on pregnancy immunology from the lab of Dr. Doug Antczak has been selected by the Faculty of 1000, placing his work in a library of the top two percent of published articles in biology and medicine. According to its website, the Faculty of 1000 (F1000) identifies and evaluates the most important articles in […]

'Scopes Magazine Faculty Medicine Profiles Research

Keeping your organs in shape

Life on the faculty fast track leads to new developmental discoveries One of the College’s youngest faculty, precocious Polish immigrant Natasza Kurpios kicked off her Cornell career earlier than most.   “We met by chance at a conference in Barcelona,” said Dr. Ruth Collins, professor in the Department of Molecular Medicine. “She had recently started […]